Internship Reports

Internship Report Outline, Template, Sample, Example: How to Write an Internship Report?

Deadline no
Opening date July 13, 2024
Days Remaining no
Category Internship Reports
Type Fully Funded
Location Multiple Locations

An internship report summarizes the learning experience of an intern at a particular organization. It is sometimes an obligation of an intern to submit an internship report at the end of the internship duration; so that the employer can have a fair idea of the lessons and skills learned by the internee during their internship period.

An intern, in an internship report, explains his/her role as an internee, the tasks completed and the skills developed. The employer uses the report for the betterment of the internship experience.

Why internship report submission is necessary?

You may be required to prepare an internship report by your employer. In this case, you have to set aside an adequate amount of time to prepare it. You may find it helpful to note down important things during the course of your internship so that you can use it later in your report. Even if it is not a requirement, you can still prepare an internship report and can use it as a personal resource for your own evaluation.

Steps to Create an Internship Report: Outline of an Internship Report

You can use the following steps or outline for creating your internship report:

#1 Title Page:

The title page includes the intern’s name, class, the starting and finishing dates of the internship, and the company’s name.

#2 Table of Contents:

The table of contents is important to include as it allows the reader to better navigate through your report. It includes the list of the topics coming ahead and their page numbers.

#3 Description/Background of the Company:

You are supposed to provide some description of the organization. You may include all or some of the following kinds of details:

      • A brief history of the company.
      • Business’s vision and mission statement.
      • Type of the work the company mainly does including the type of ownership of the company.
      • The products/services the company offers.
      • The kind of people the company caters to.
      • The organizational chart and the number of full-time employees.
      • The functions of various departments of the company.

#4 The Internship Activities and Responsibilities:

This is where the main body of the internship report starts. You can cover some or all of the following points:

      • The position and the core responsibility of yours as an intern.
      • Your working conditions like your supervisor’s name and designation, your team members’ name, designation, and functions.
      • An overview of the company’s service structure or the production system, the input and output flow, strengths, and constraints of the company, etc.
      • The kind of accounting standards the company follows. 
      • The kind of incentives used to ensure efficiency and motivation.
      • Your own assessment of what you were taught in the classroom vs. what you observed during the internship. Was it aligned or misaligned?
      • The work samples of yours like any design, graph, chart, spreadsheet, or data that you created during the internship.

#5 Assessment of what you learned and the skills you Developed:

Discuss what you learned during your internship. Be specific about it. Include things like, the skills you gained, the improvement in your qualifications, how this internship will assist you in your career, the correlation of the internship activities to what you learned in the classroom, etc.

#6 Conclusion:

Conclude the report by talking about your overall experience and what you think you learned out of it. Also, discuss your understanding of the sector in which the company operates. Keep it simple and short.

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