Leave Application Samples

Leave Application Letter Samples (Leave Application Email Formats): College, School, and Office Formats for Leave Applications

Hacks for Writing a Leave Application Letter:

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Leave applications and their formats for schools, universities, and organizations can be checked out here. When a student writes a leave application, it is usually addressed for the principal or headmaster or any other leave granting authority of the school. On the contrary leave applications for organizations are addressed to the supervisors, managers, or any other person in the upper levels of the company’s hierarchy. Leave application is written for taking day/days off from work or school.

At some point in time, we need to write a leave application and for that, we should know how to write one. If you take a leave from work or school after letting the administration know via a leave application it creates a good impression of yours. The managers are then able to foresee the work pressure and can collaborate with other employees efficiently and ahead of time.

Students, on the other hand, are also required to inform their management if they intend to not attend the school for any reason. This way they get into the habit of behaving in a professional manner. This article contains samples of leave applications for schools and organizations. Read on to learn more about it and get free samples along the way.

Leave Application Types:

There can be a number of reasons why you would want to take leave. You may need to attend a wedding or a funeral, you may have some health problem that needs taking care of, or you may need to leave the town for some days to get some personal work done. So, based on these and many other reasons, leave applications types can be divided into the following types:

    • Casual leave
    • Leave for attending a wedding
    • Leave application for school or college 
    • Leave application for office or organizations
    • Sick Leave
    • Maternity or paternity leave
    • Leave for taking half the day off etc.

Tips and Hacks for Writing the Best Leave Application:

    • Write the application keeping a polite and respectful tone that depicts that your reason for taking the leave is genuine.
    • Write the purpose of taking leave in a clear manner.
    • Keep it brief, to the point, and simple.
    • Proofread and re-check the letter for any typos or grammatical mistakes.
    • Do not forget to mention yours and the addressee’s designation.

Things to keep in mind while writing a leave application for school:

    • Greeting
    • Subject
    • Cause of asking for the leave
    • Length of the leave by mentioning the dates to and from which you want the leave to be granted
    • The workload that will be disrupted by your absence
    • Contact information, usually in the form of cell phone number or email
    • Signature of yours

Samples for Leave Application:

These days, companies have devised their own portals via which the employees can apply for the leave. Taking off from work without informing beforehand is considered reckless and can cause disruption in managing the workload. Also, if you take a leave like that, it will cause problems for you in the future when you will need to take off again as the management can be hostile towards you. For that reason, we are presenting here a number of samples/templates/formats for almost all types of leave applications. You can edit them as per your reasons and requirements.

Annual Leave Application Format:

Concerned Designation,
Company Name,

Subject: Annual Leave Application

Dear Mr. Brown,

I beg to state that I intend to take a leave for a period (mention the duration). I have 20 days left in my annual leave allowance and I would like to use that.

I request you to grant me a leave of absence for 20 days. I am planning to go to Cancun with my family, so I will be out of station for that period.

I have already asked Adam to take over any work that will be needed to be done by me. He is on the same team like mine and will remain in touch with me. Most of the work assigned to me has already been done and the remaining work will be taken over by Adam.

I will be resuming the work as soon as I am back from my holiday.

Thank you for considering.

Yours Truly,

Sick Leave for Office Format:

Concerned Designation,
Company Name,

Subject: Leave for sickness

Dear Mr. Brown,

I beg to state that I have caught the flu since last night. This has left me unable to join the office for about (number of days). My doctor has advised me to take rest and not go to the office as it will only cause the virus to get worse. Enclosed, please see the doctor’s prescription.

I will be very thankful if you grant me a leave for (this number of) days. I can be contacted at any time through my phone. I have talked to Selena and she is happy to do any work of mine that needs to be done on an urgent basis.

Kindly approve this leave of absence. 

Thank you for considering.

Yours Truly,

Sick Leave Application by Parents of a School Going Child:

The Headmaster,
(Name of the School),
(Address of the School).

Subject: Leave Application for (Child’s name)

Dear Sir/Madam,

I beg to state that I am the mother/father of the student (name of the child) studying in class (name of the class) in your school. My child has caught food poisoning and because of that reason he/she is hospitalized at the moment. According to his/her doctor, he/she will need to remain hospitalized for at least the next two days. As you can understand, we are not in a position to send him/her to school. 

Kindly allow him/her leave of absence for (number of days) days starting from (date) to (date). Enclosed is a medical document for proof. I will make sure that he/she attends school regularly after the leaving period.

Thank you for considering.

Yours Truly,
(Name of the Parent).

Sick Leave Application from the Sick Student:

The Headmaster,
(Name of the School),
(Address of the School),

Subject: Sick Leave Application

Dear Sir/Madam,

With respect, I beg to say that I am suffering from severe fever and headache since last night. My family doctor has advised me to take proper bed rest for two days and therefore I am unable to attend the school from (this date) to (that date). 

Kindly grant me a leave of absence for two days. I will be really grateful for this kind gesture. 

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,
(Your name),
(Your class and section),
(Your Roll number).

Leave application for attending a wedding:

Concerned Designation,
Company Name,

Subject: Leave for attending a wedding

Dear Mr. Brown,

With all due respect, I would like to bring your attention to the fact that my best friend’s wedding is on (date) and I have been invited to attend it. He is a very dear friend of mine and the wedding is taking place at (the name of the place). In order to be there, I need a leave of absence of (number of days) from (date) to (date).

Please grant me a leave of absence for (number of days). I am eagerly waiting for your response as I have to book the tickets too.

Thank you for considering.

Yours Truly,

Leave for a single day from school:

The Headmaster,
(Name of the School),
(Address of the School),

Subject: Sick Leave Application

Dear Sir/Madam,

This is to bring to your kind knowledge that I have to visit my uncle for one day. My uncle lives in the suburban area of (place) and I am accompanying my parents to visit him. For that reason, I am not able to attend the school tomorrow dated (insert the date).

Kindly grant me a leave of absence for one day. I will forever be indebted to you.

Thank you 

Yours sincerely,
(Your name),
(Your class and section),
(Your Roll number).

Leave Application written to school for going out of Station:

There are times when you have to leave the town for some days to attend a family gathering to visit an ailing relative. You should inform the school’s management beforehand in such cases and shouldn’t resort to skipping school without notice. The body of such a letter is as follows:

I want to state that I am the student of (this class) in your school. I have to attend a cousin’s wedding which is taking place in New Jersey. All my family members are going and I am accompanying them. Therefore I will not be attending the school from (this date) to (this date).

Kindly grant me a leave for (number of days). Upon returning, I will catch up on all my pending work with the help of my class teachers and fellows. I will be really grateful to you for this favor.

Leave Application by a Teacher to School Principal:

Even if you are a teacher, there can be a hundred different reasons why you can’t attend school for some days. Like a student, a teacher can have an urgent piece of work to do, or have to visit a relative outside of town. Whatever the reason, they also need to sometimes write a leave application letter and they can use the following format for that:

The Headmaster,
(Name of the School),
(Address of the School),

Subject: Leave Application

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this to inform you that my elderly parents fall sick very often and I am extremely worried about their health. I have to take them to the doctor on (date) for their bi-annual checkup which has been scheduled for quite some time.

I will be really grateful if you allow me a leave of one day for (date). 

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,
(Your name),
(Your Designation).

Email Leave Application Format – Leave Application Email Sample

During this era of modern technology, a lot of companies have made a shift toward using emails for conveying messages like a leave application or an announcement. A lot of schools on the other hand are still using the old method of writing a physical leave application rather than a virtual one. Given below is the classic way of asking for leave in an email.

To: (Addressee’s email),
From: (sender’s email),

Subject: Leave application for my son

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this to inform you that my son (name of the son) studying in class (name of class and section) will not be attending the school for the next two days as his grandfather has had a cardiac arrest and is currently hospitalized. My son is very close to his grandfather and he is staying at the hospital with us to look after him.

I request you to grant him leave from (date) to (date). Upon rejoining the school, he will complete all his piled-up classwork.

Thank you.

Yours Faithfully,
(Parent’s name),
(Child’s name, his grade, and section).

Frequently Asked Questions about Leave Applications:

1) What is a leave application?

A leave application is written by some person to the person of a higher designation to ask for a break from school or organization. This break could be for an infinite number of reasons, like taking care of children, visiting a relative, or a trip for pleasure purposes.

2) What are some things that we absolutely need to write in a leave application?

    • Salutation
    • Subject 
    • Reason for asking for a leave 
    • The number of days for which you want the leave
    • Contact details, like phone numbers and email.

3) What are the important things to include in leave application for a job?

    • Application date
    • A respectful tone in addressing the concerned party
    • Reason for asking for a leave 
    • The number of days for which you want the leave
    • Contact details, like phone numbers and email.

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